Alhamdulillah. Semalam sekali lagi saya berkesempatan hadir ke salah satu pogram sempena Al-Quds Week iaitu forum yang bertajuk "The Experience With The Real Victim of Mavi Marmara Attack".
Saya suka untuk berkongsi poin-poin yang Tn. Haji Noorazman B. Haji Mohd Samsuddin sampaikan.Bagi saya semua tu ada 'rasa' dan saya yakin semua tu lahir dari 'hati'. Sebab tu 'rasa' sampai ke 'hati'.
Saya paling geram+marah+dalam hati sumpah seranah+sakit+pedih bila Ustaz Azman memperdengarkan kami dengan satu 'realiti'. Macam ni bunyinya lebih kurang....
"You know, now..IIUM are helding this program, Al-Quds Week...They (Israel) can come here with their helicopter and bomb us! And world (nobody) can say anything. Because they say, "WE ARE DEFENDING OUR COUNTRY!"
Serius, masa tu dalam dada ni membuak-buak perasaan benci dan geram pada Israel (Zionis). Dan itulah yang berlaku sekarang. Di Palestine. Saudara kita ditibai, dibunuh, dihinakan bahkan dibinatangkan, tetapi dunia tidak dapat bersuara kerana itulah..."We are defending our country".
Ustaz Azman juga menyentuh apakah yang kita akan dapat dengan memperjuangkan Masjidil Aqsa.
"This struggle will make us close to Allah because we are defending the Holy Land. And the strong impact of Palestine is a mean of unification of everybody"
Apabila ditanya apakah perasaan semasa Mavi Marmara Attack, Ustaz Azman menjawab,
"Have you ever been in a situation when somebody come and try to attack you, try to hurt your you and your family? It is beyond this thinking. And I'm asking you, are really feel that you are attacked by Israel? We still not serious if we still not feel that we have been attacking by Israel (their protocol, their thinking and their agenda)."
Satu kata-kata dari Ustaz Azman:
"This is not a '1 week campaign'. This is a 'life campaign'. This struggle is not cheap. It is expensive. Perjuangan ini sangat mahal. It is not enough with 9 syahid. Tidak cukup lagi."
Diminta oleh moderator untuk memberi kata-kata terakhir sebelum forum tamat, Ustaz Azman memberitahu kami sesuatu.
"I just want to tell you. Revolusion in Middle East: Tunisia, Egypt and Libya...begins with "as-syabab", pemuda...mahasiswa..And I'm not asking you to burn yourself or to make any demonstration. I just want you to think. We must bring back Masjidil Aqsa in our heart. Everybody must participate in every little way."
- Pledge yourself, in your mind and in your heart that "I will help to free Masjidil Aqsa" because according to a fatwa by Yusof Al-Qardhawi, "Masjidil Aqsa is part of our aqidah."
- Please help us and help yourself to spread this concious. Do not talk about helping and saving Al-Quds if you cannot boycott Zionis product.
- Fund raising...
- Du'a
- Please improve yourself, our family, our society, improve our government and our ummah.
Macam mana?
'Rasa' tak?
jzklh k.syeera atas perkongsian..^^
ReplyDeletealamak, rugi tak pegi.
ReplyDeleteemm..mlm ni dtg ya adik2...hii...=)
ReplyDeletesemoga bermanfaat utk semua..